BELGRADE, Dr Ivana Ribara 182/2
Company GEOFIZIKA-ING Ltd. was established on 6 January 1998.

Activity of the company includes:
  • Projecting
  • Field work
  • Interpetation of results
  • Making Reports, Elaborates and Studies
in area:
1. Research deposits of underground water for the water supply, bottlling, in balneology, their use, recreational
tourism, the agrarian sector and as source of geothermal energy.
2. Research deposits of mineral resources - copper, lead, zinc, gold, magnesite, limestone, clay, sand, gravel
and etc.
3. Geomechanic research as a basis for projecting building and construction.
Many years of experience highly qualified team and application of modern geological, hydrogeological, geophysical and geotechnical methods and their modifications, with the possibility of using the services of accredited laboratories for rock mechanics and physico-chemical composition and quality of underground waters.
Acquisitions data on the field is performed with the latest instruments and equipment.
Processing, analysis and interpretation of research with specialized software packages.